Edit of asset "Blender-Godot Pipeline" Accepted

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Title Blender-Godot Pipeline Blender-Godot Pipeline
Description This addon is a Godot helper addon for my blender addon which simplifies exporting objects from Blender into Godot.


Docs: https://blendermarket.com/products/blender-godot-pipeline-addon/docs

This addon includes:
- GLTF Import GD script
- Scene initialization GD script

You do not need to "Enable" the addon from project settings. This addon is simply a repository for the GD script files mentioned above.

Under Project Settings -> Import Defaults -> Select "Scene" from Importer Dropdown -> Scroll down to "Import Script Path"

From here you can load in the standard import path that comes with this addon:

This will ensure that all your GLTF or .blend files get the importer attached. You can attach the importer individually to files, if you don't want all files to be affected.
This addon is a Godot helper addon for my blender addon which simplifies exporting objects from Blender into Godot.

This addon includes:
- GLTF Import GD script
- Scene initialization GD script

Using this addon makes the path from the GLTF Import file to the Scene Init file standard and should take some guesswork out of the setup process.
Category 3D Tools 3D Tools
License MIT MIT
Repository Provider GitHub GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/bikemurt/blender-godot-pipeline https://github.com/bikemurt/blender-godot-pipeline
Issues Url https://github.com/bikemurt/blender-godot-pipeline/issues https://github.com/bikemurt/blender-godot-pipeline/issues
Godot version Godot 4.2 Godot 4.2
Version String 2.5.3 1.3.0
Download Commit 40558c80fee38985e2cf2257decddc1facb4ab77 44b7757d37f24782b475f4d61fa6e4569c4cdd90
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/bikemurt/blender-godot-pipeline/archive/40558c80fee38985e2cf2257decddc1facb4ab77.zip https://github.com/bikemurt/blender-godot-pipeline/archive/44b7757d37f24782b475f4d61fa6e4569c4cdd90.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bikemurt/blender-godot-pipeline/main/addons/blender_godot_pipeline/icon.png