Edit of asset "Godot Easy Vehicle Physics" Accepted

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Title Godot Easy Vehicle Physics Godot Easy Vehicle Physics
Description A physics based vehicle controller designed to play well on a keyboard and be easy to configure. All parameters are contained in one script (vehicle.gd) and tooltips are provided for all of them. 4 example vehicles are included:
demo_arcade.tscn: Handles similar to an arcade style race car, lots of grip, easy to control, and lots of assists.
demo_simcade.tscn: Handles closer to a real car with assists to help keep the car under control.
demo_monster_truck.tscn: Handles like a monster truck, with very little assists.
demo_drift.tscn: Setup for easy drifting.
A physics based vehicle controller designed to play well on a keyboard and be easy to configure. All parameters are contained in one script (vehicle.gd) and tooltips are provided for all of them. A vehicle scene (car.tscn) provides an example of the car configured in an arcade style and a demo scene (demo.tscn) provides a basic track, input controller, and engine sound controller as an example.
Category Misc Misc
License MIT MIT
Repository Provider GitHub GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/DAShoe1/Godot-Easy-Vehicle-Physics https://github.com/DAShoe1/Godot-Easy-Vehicle-Physics
Issues Url https://github.com/DAShoe1/Godot-Easy-Vehicle-Physics/issues https://github.com/DAShoe1/Godot-Easy-Vehicle-Physics/issues
Godot version Godot 4.3 Godot 4.2
Version String 1.0.8 1.0
Download Commit feacb309146c24eeac00c5e3bd429ee9a63a93a6 a8c31af67a710fbfd1c07428f4b5e0c3c9e22fb1
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/DAShoe1/Godot-Easy-Vehicle-Physics/archive/feacb309146c24eeac00c5e3bd429ee9a63a93a6.zip https://github.com/DAShoe1/Godot-Easy-Vehicle-Physics/archive/a8c31af67a710fbfd1c07428f4b5e0c3c9e22fb1.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DAShoe1/Godot-Easy-Vehicle-Physics/main/addons/gevp/icon.png