Edit of asset "Oculus VR Plugin" Accepted

Old/Current New/Edit
Title Oculus VR Plugin Oculus VR Module
Description Oculus Rift and Rift S plugin

For Windows Desktop VR only, supports Rift, Rift S and Touch controllers
Requires Godot 3.1 or later
GDNative based AR/VR Oculus Module

For Windows Desktop VR only, support Rift and Touch controllers
Requires Godot 3.1 or later
Category Misc
License MIT
Repository Provider GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/GodotVR/godot-oculus-asset
Issues Url https://github.com/GodotVR/godot-oculus-asset/issues
Godot version Godot 3.1 Godot 3.1
Version String 1.0
Download Commit a530d56b01a95925030982661452693f0c3a4e52 596c1531661fab93d8d4ceb7c3b34974f70f4135
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/GodotVR/godot-oculus-asset/archive/a530d56b01a95925030982661452693f0c3a4e52.zip https://github.com/GodotVR/godot-oculus-asset/archive/596c1531661fab93d8d4ceb7c3b34974f70f4135.zip
Icon Url https://github.com/GodotVR/godot-oculus-asset/blob/master/addons/godot-oculus/icon.png?raw=true