Edit of asset "Tiny Platform Quest" Accepted

Old/Current New/Edit
Title Tiny Platform Quest Tiny Platform Quest
Description This platform 2D game is a demo I made with the Godot engine, for learning purposes.
I used the tilesets of Dan Cramp, as well as his video for the gameplay (http://www.dancramp.com).
This platform 2D game is a demo I made with the Godot engine, for learning purposes.
I used the tilesets of Dan Cramp, as well as his video for the gameplay (http://www.dancramp.com).
Category Demos Demos
License MIT MIT
Repository Provider GitHub GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/Loopingstar/godot_tiny_platform_quest https://github.com/Loopingstar/godot_tiny_platform_quest
Issues Url https://github.com/Loopingstar/godot_tiny_platform_quest/issues https://github.com/Loopingstar/godot_tiny_platform_quest/issues
Godot version Godot 3.1 Godot 3.1
Version String 1.0 1.0
Download Commit b09497d8ebe0c3a87038e3fa72ec886d00fb94ad b09497d8ebe0c3a87038e3fa72ec886d00fb94ad
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/Loopingstar/godot_tiny_platform_quest/archive/b09497d8ebe0c3a87038e3fa72ec886d00fb94ad.zip https://github.com/Loopingstar/godot_tiny_platform_quest/archive/b09497d8ebe0c3a87038e3fa72ec886d00fb94ad.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Loopingstar/godot_tiny_platform_quest/master/icon.png