Edit of asset "Topdown Pixelart Starter Project" Accepted

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Title Topdown Pixelart Starter Project
Description This is a 2D, Pixelart, Topdown, action Starter/Template Project that includes all the basics you need to get started creating a game.

It includes:
- 2 Levels with different tile-sets
- Quests
- Combat
- Talking NPC's
- Coins to pick up
..And much more!

Consider clicking 'View Files' rather than 'Download' to see the full project on GitHub. There might be a newer version there and you can find more information, links to helpful resources, video tutorials for different parts of the project etc.
Category Templates
License MIT
Repository Provider GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/ForlornU/TopdownStarter
Issues Url https://github.com/ForlornU/TopdownStarter/issues
Godot version Godot 4.3
Version String 1.5 1.3
Download Commit 6075a3e651639a7181333f9873e91d9b4333a667 d7983a88a530173945f1f2c820aad71182d292fa
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/ForlornU/TopdownStarter/archive/6075a3e651639a7181333f9873e91d9b4333a667.zip https://github.com/ForlornU/TopdownStarter/archive/d7983a88a530173945f1f2c820aad71182d292fa.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ForlornU/TopdownStarter/main/Art/Icons/icon.png