Humble: Multiplayer Rooms & Client-Host's icon

Humble: Multiplayer Rooms & Client-Host 1.0 Scripts 4.3 Community

Submitted by user QJPG; MIT; 2024-09-08

High level Networking Plugin for Godot.

Humble allows the server to create and manage rooms for separate game sessions. For each room, Humble allows the creation of "Remote Nodes" that store and synchronize information for all players in the same room.

"Humble" works with the room system where each room has a single owner to manage it. Rooms can be created by any user (peer) on the network. Here's how:

"HumbleNetRemoteEventService" is the main singleton for communicating with a "Humble" server.
#This connects to a humble server.
func connect_to_server(address : String, port : int) -> void:

#Requires the creation of a room.
func create_room(is_private : bool, capacity : int, config := {}) -> void:

#Requires joining a room (or the room created).
func join_room(code : String) -> void:

#Quit from room. (If the player is the owner of the room, the room will be closed, expelling everyone from it).
func exit_room() -> void:

#Forces a room to close. (only owner)
func remove_room(data : Variant = null) -> void:

#Forces a player to be removed. (only owner)
func kick_player(peer : int, data : Variant = null) -> void:

#Sends an event to all or some players. (only owner or authorities)
func send_room(data : Variant, target := PackedInt32Array([])) -> void:

#Enables a player as room authority. (only owner) (default is false)
func set_room_authority(peer : int, enabled : bool) -> void:

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