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TimedLabel 1.0 Tools 4.2 Community

Submitted by user Cianci; MIT; 2024-08-18

Godot 4.x timed label with options to add keystroke sounds with pitch variations, and random intervals.


Drag it to your scene and put the text in the text field. You can set it to autostart otherwise it will wait for a call to 'func start()'.


* Auto Start : Enable autostart
* Delay Start : Delay the text start (seconds)
* Interval : Interval between keystrokes (seconds)
* Interval Variation : random interval variation (seconds)
* Audio : AudioStream for keystrokes
* Pitch : Pitch of the AudioStream
* Pitch Variation : random pitch variation for keystrokes
* Volume Db : Keystrokes volume
* Ignore Blank_Spaces : Ignores blank spaces on keystrokes, if true will jump to next char, if it is at the end of the text, it will finish the text.


* func define_text(text : String): Define the text, trigger text cleanup, not affected by autostart, must call start after defined.
* func start(): Starts the text, if the text is already playing will restart.
* func end(): Finishes the text, and fills all text at once.


* Start : Emmited at the start of the text.
* KeyStroke(key: String) : Emmited on every keystroke.
* End : Emmited at the end of the text.

By Cianci

Check Cianci Tutorials (Brazilian Portuguese):

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