CineCam: A Camera GDExtension's icon

CineCam: A Camera GDExtension 1.0 Misc 4.2 Community

Submitted by user LumiToad; MIT; 2024-06-02

A Camera addon for Godot 4.2.2.
Loosely based on the Unity Cinemachine.

Makes blending and shaking cameras easy!
Aimed to reduce the amount of code lines in your project a lot.
A lot can be configured in the Inspector.

See GitHub for a full list of features.

I developed this as a part of my final thesis in game engineering.
Written in C++, supported in GDScript.



Example project

Supported platforms:
Windows x86 32 / 64
Linux x86 32 / 64

Source code is available on GitHub, so you can compile your own builds!

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