PixelPen | PixelArt Drawing and Animation 1.1.3 Tools 4.3 Community
Submitted by user bayu-sw; MIT; 2024-09-11
PixelPen is a free and open source pixel art editor, proudly created with the Godot Engine. Pixel Pen can be use as godot addons or standalone aplication.
Addons files contain GDExtension binary for MacOS, Windows, Linux, Web and Android.
# How To Use
## Plugin
1. Copy `addons` folder to your `addons` project folder.
2. Please Keep the plugin directory to `addons/net.yarvis.pixel_pen`.
3. In Godot editor, restart when there is a prompts.
4. In Godot `Project Settings / Plugins`, ensure that PixelPen is enabled.
5. Select `Project / Reload Current Project` to restart, ones more time.
6. In the top of the right side after Assetlib you should see PixelPen Button.
7. Click this button to show PixelPen Window.
## Application
1. Follow above instructions.
2. Set `res://addons/net.yarvis.pixel_pen/editor/editor_main_ui.tscn` as your main scene.
3. Export project for your targeted platform. https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/tutorials/export/exporting_projects.html
### MacOS
+ Read [support.apple.com](https://support.apple.com/guide/mac-help/open-a-mac-app-from-an-unidentified-developer-mh40616/mac)
+ Control-click `res://addons/net.yarvis.pixel_pen/bin/libpixelpen.macos.debug.framework/libpixelpen.macos.debug`.
+ Control-click `res://addons/net.yarvis.pixel_pen/bin/libpixelpen.macos.release.framework/libpixelpen.macos.release`.
+ Open it once with any app.
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