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Run-time File Saving and Loading Demo 4.2-31d1c0c Demos 4.2 Featured

Submitted by user Godot Engine; MIT; 2024-03-28

This project showcases how to load and save various file types without going through Godot's resource importing system.

This is useful to load/save images, sounds, 3D scenes and ZIP archives at run-time such as user-generated content, without requiring users to generate a PCK file through Godot.

Can be loaded and saved at run-time:

- Images (JPEG, PNG, WebP)
- 3D scenes (glTF 2.0)
- ZIP archives
- Plain text files*

Can be loaded at run-time:

- Images (TGA, BMP, SVG**)
- Audio (Ogg Vorbis)
- Fonts (TTF, OTF, WOFF, WOFF2, PFB, PFM, BMFont)

*: Manipulating custom binary formats is possible using the FileAccess and PackedByteArray classes, but this is not shown in this demo.

**: It is possible to procedurally generate SVG as text and save it to a file with `.svg` extension using the FileAccess class, but this is not shown in this demo.

See the "Saving and Loading (Serialization)" demo for an example of saving/loading game progress.

Language: GDScript

Renderer: Compatibility

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