Squash the Creeps (3D) Demo's icon

Squash the Creeps (3D) Demo 4.2-31d1c0c Demos 4.2 Featured

Submitted by user Godot Engine; MIT; 2024-03-28

This is a simple game where your character must move and jump to squash as many enemies for as long as possible. You gain 1 point for every enemy squashed.


- Up Arrow, W, Gamepad Left Stick: Move up
- Down Arrow, S, Gamepad Left Stick: Move down
- Left Arrow, Gamepad Left Stick: Move left
- Right Arrow, Gamepad Left Stick: Move right
- Space, Right Mouse Button, Gamepad A/Cross: Jump

This is a finished version of the game featured in the "Your first 3D game" tutorial in the documentation. For more details, consider following the tutorial in the documentation: https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/getting_started/first_3d_game/index.html

This demo covers:

- Handling player input.
- Moving and jumping in a 3D game.
- Spawning enemies randomly around the game arena.
- Using the built-in animation editor to breathe life to your game.
- Creating a complete game loop with lose conditions, score, and the ability to restart.

Language: GDScript

Renderer: Forward+

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