Expand/Collapse Node Shortcut's icon

Expand/Collapse Node Shortcut 1.0.1 Misc 4.1 Community

Submitted by user WiseNoodle; MIT; 2023-12-27

This addon gives you a shortcut to expand and collapse the currently selected node in your scene tree without expanding or collapsing it's children.

The built-in shortcut expands and collapses the selected node AND all if it's children. This custom shortcut only expands/collapses the parent (selected) node.

CTRL+E is the default key bind. You can change it by opening the "addons/expand-collapse-node/default_shortcut.tres" and in the inspector window, there will be an Array containing an "InputKeyEvent". You can change it to whatever you like by pressing "configure". Then just save it and viola. No reload required.

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