Rivet - Multiplayer Game Servers and Backend's icon

Rivet - Multiplayer Game Servers and Backend v1.4.0 Scripts 4.2 Community

Submitted by user NathanRivet; Apache-2.0; 2024-07-03

The only backend your game needs:

- Launch quickly, scale painlessly
- Customizable
- All-in-one
- No vendor locking
- Open-source & self-hostable


- DDoS Mitigation
- No downtime deploys & instant rollbacks
- Version history for rollbacks
- Log & metrics aggregation
- Automatic SSL for WebSockets & TLS
- Crash reporting
- Analytics
- Automatic geographic routing

Extend with backend modules:

- Matchmaker
- Parties
- Presence
- Auth
- Users
- Friends

Learn more at https://rivet.gg

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