GUT - Godot Unit Testing (Godot 4)'s icon

GUT - Godot Unit Testing (Godot 4) 9.3.0 Tools 4.2 Community

Submitted by user bitwes; MIT; 2024-07-25

GUT for Godot 4.

GUT stands for Godot Unit Testing you may guess, it is a tool for creating and running tests.

* Run tests easily through the Godot Editor, Command Line, or VSCode.
* A plethora of asserts and utility methods to help make your tests simple and concise.
* Support for Inner Test Classes to give your tests some extra context and maintainability.
* Doubling: Full and Partial doubles, Stubbing, Spies.
* Parameterized Tests
* Export results in standard JUnit XML format.

More info can be found in the wiki:

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