Aseprite Wizard 9.0.0 Tools 4.3 Community
Submitted by user viniciusgerevini; MIT; 2025-03-07
Import Aseprite animations to AnimationPlayers, AnimatedSprite2D, AnimatedSprite3D and SpriteFrames.
- Godot importer and inspector docks for easy import and re-import.
- Adds automatic importers:
- Aseprite SpriteFrames: Use Aseprite files as SpriteFrames resources.
- Aseprite Texture: Use Aseprite files as static images (only first frame is imported)
- Aseprite Tileset Texture: Use Aseprite files with tilemap layers as AtlasTexture which can be added directly to Godot's tileset creator.
- Inspector docks to manually import animations to:
- AnimationPlayer (Sprite2D, Sprite3D and TextureRect).
- AnimatedSprite2D/3D.
- As standalone SpritesFrames resource.
- Supports Aseprite animation directions (forward, reverse, ping-pong, ping-pong reverse).
- Supports loopable and non-loopable animations via Aseprite repeat or tags.
- Separates each Aseprite Tag into animations. In case no tags are defined, imports everything as default animation.
- Filters out layers you don't want in the final animation using regex.
- Supports slices. Import only a region from your file.
- For AnimatedSprite
- Creates SpriteFrames with Atlas Texture to be used in AnimatedSprites.
- Converts Aseprite frame duration (defined in milliseconds) to Godot's animation FPS. This way you can create your animation with the right timing in Aseprite and it should work the same way in Godot.
- Choose to export the Aseprite file as a single SpriteFrames resource or separate each layer in different resources.
- Adds Aseprite file importer to Godot.
- AnimationPlayer
- Adds and removes animation tracks without removing other existing tracks.
- You are free to import multiple files to the same AnimationPlayer or import each layer to their own Sprite/TextureRect and AnimationPlayer.
- Supports animation libraries.
Aseprite Wizard is only required during development. If you decide to not use it anymore, you can remove the plugin and all animations previously imported should keep working as expected.
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