Switching from the title screen scene to game scene restart the parallax background?

:information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform.
:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Shortanel

i am working at a space shooter and when I switch scenes between the title screen and the main game scene the parallax background reset (background is instacieted scene in both title and main game). itried this:

Main game.gd

func _ready():
	Global.world = self
	for item in Global.star_type:
		match item:
				$HUD/ParallaxBackground/big_stars.position = Global.big_position
				$HUD/ParallaxBackground/small_stars.position =Global.small_position

func set_position(value):


var star_type =["Big","Small"]
var big_position 
var small_position

Title screen.gd

func _on_Start_pressed():

	for item in Global.star_type:
		match item:
				Global.big_position = $Game_UI/ParallaxBackground/big_stars.get("motion_offset")
				Global.small_position = $Game_UI/ParallaxBackground/small_stars.get("motion_offset")

any way to make iti work?