question for Using Area2D (example: area override examples)

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By mdg6496

According to exmaple (URL: Using Area2D — Godot Engine (stable) documentation in English), from bottom page, there is sample for “Area Override Examples” with three sets (point gravity, linear damp, reserve gravity).

I am trying to mimic “point gravity” one so that when angular velocity decrease to 0, the ball would eventually stay in center. (I downloaded the “”)

When I lay the ball into “Point gravity” one, the ball seems to bounce back and force inside circle in one direction, even if I rotate the 2dArea with this code

var angular_speed = 10

func _process(delta):
rotate(angular_speed * delta)

The ball wouldn’t rotate with circle.

Any idea what I need to change so the ball would rotate together with circle just like example ?