How to setup iap for android?

:information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform.
:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Sprowk
:warning: Old Version Published before Godot 3 was released.

I added godot payments v3 to modules.
Saved from here
Now I dont know what to do.

I see there are many functions which I dont understand but I just need simple on button pressed purchase (from google play).
So how do i set purchase price, things player receives and script?

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: vinod

You need to set the as a singleton. Let us say you set it as IAP

Get iap details
When starting your game, you may need to get the item details from Google such as price and localized price string etc.

#First listen to the sku details update callback
#Then ask google the details for these items

#This will be called when sku details are retrieved successfully
func sku_details_complete():
    print(IAP.sku_details) #This will print the details as JSON format, refer the format in
    print(IAP.sku_details["pid1"].price) #print formatted localized price

You can use the iap details to display the title,price and/or description on your shop scene

Check if user purchased an item
When starting your game, you can check if user has purchased an item. YOU SHOULD DO THIS ONLY AFTER 2/3 SECONDS AFTER YOUR GAME IS LOADED. I see sevaral games(including other engines) do this right at the start and the iap has not been initialized and your app will crash on start.

#Add a listener first
IAP.request_purchased() #Ask Google for user purchased items
#This will call for each and every user purchased products
func iap_has_purchased(item_name):
    print(item_name) #print the name of purchased items

Google iap policies says the game should restore the user’s purchases if the user replaces his phone or reinstall the same app. You can use the above code to do that.

Simple Purchase
You can put the purchase logic on a shop button.

#First listen for purchase_success callback
#Then call purchase like this
IAP.purchase("pid1") #replace pid1 with your product id
IAP.purchase("pid2") #replace pid2 with your another product id

#This function will be called when the purchase is a success
func purchase_success_callback(item):
    print(item + " has purchased")

There are other several signals in the You should check those also and improve the user experience as you needed.

Consumables and Non-Consumables

There are two types of products - consumables and non-consumables.
Consumables are purchased and used, for eg: healing potions which can be purchased again and again.
Non-consumables are one time purchases, for eg: Level packs.

But Google doesn’t have this separation. If your product is a consumable, and if a user purchased it, it will not be available for purchase until it is consumed. So you should call consume for your consumables and don’t call consume for your non-consumables. To do that call,


func on_consume_success(item):
    print(item + " consumed")

If your game has only consumables, you don’t have to do this. You can set it to consume the item automatically after a purchase like this.


You should do this once and only once at game start.

If your game has only non-consumables, you can


Wow… so detail explanation.
It should be in official doc somewhere.
What do you think @Akien? :slight_smile:

volzhs | 2016-11-11 16:39

@vinod would you make a PR for this on ?

volzhs | 2016-11-11 17:50

Thanks for very detailed answer.
1 more question… Can I somehow test it if I did everything right?

Sprowk | 2016-11-11 20:03

I forgot to add it.
You can use any of these as the product id.

Another way is to add another account as a tester and you will not be charged. You can also test with the redeem codes too.

vinod | 2016-11-12 02:14