Multiple kinematic collision problem

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By decepticlown

So I have multiple kinematic bodies which collide with each other. more than 15. So I created a new node that extends Kinematic body 3d (e.g. newKineBody) and then hard coded all the physics code. After that I changed those 15 nodes to newKineBody.

Now, newKineBody has simple code that checks collision, if happened then changed velocity and apply some velocity response to collider. But now since both kineNewBody has same response which Node will detect collision first? Wil it affect collision performance?

Current problem: I already have it working but some times two bodies are being glued together and skipping collision response. Most of the time it works perfectly but some times it just behaves like they are magnet. video link
Carefull watch the green disc. watch in 60 fps for better details. - here is the code - code for the green body

Thank you!