Timer node - how to use it in code

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Serenade
:warning: Old Version Published before Godot 3 was released.

I want to use timer node for attack function, and other things later, but
I have zero idea how to use it, and information online didnt help at all.

How can i write code, that it starts counting time, for example, from when i press X button, and then when it has reached, 2 second, only then X button becomes active again… or suggest your way, plz?

Godot info page bellow, contains info, but its so dull and has no examples… : / Timer — Godot Engine (stable) documentation in English

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: eons

The class reference does not have examples of use, a page with examples for each class could be good to have (but not on reference), anyway…

Somewhere, like in _ready:

timer = Timer.new()
#timeout is what says in docs, in signals
#self is who respond to the callback
#_on_timer_timeout is the callback, can have any name
add_child(timer) #to process
timer.start() #to start

Then, on the connected node (self in this case, could be the parent or any other node in the scene)

func _on_timer_timeout():

thanks for this explanation. i assume that the last line should be timer.start(delay), with delay a float to specify after how many seconds the timer should trigger?

i just spent quite some time being confused why the timer did not work until i realized that for the start call to actually do anything, the node where you add the timer to needs to already be in the scene tree. i was instantiating a node, setting up a timer inside that node and then added the node into the tree. does not work that way (imho start() should trigger an error in this case), but does work when doing it the other way round, first adding the node, and only then starting the timer.

dbu | 2021-01-18 21:06

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: jospic

As your request… I’m using a gui button instead of keystroke but the example is still valid.

enter image description here

extends Node2D

var timer
var button

func _ready():
	timer = get_node("Timer")
	button = get_node("Button")
	timer.set_wait_time( 2 )
	button.connect("pressed", self, "_on_Button_pressed")
	timer.connect("timeout", self, "_on_Timer_timeout")
func _on_Button_pressed():

func _on_Timer_timeout():
:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: Tybobobo

Here is an in-depth 5 minute long video response to your question.

Demonstrating how you can create and use a Timer to make a forced delay between shooting a cannon ball.
QA Answer

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: Sween123

Actually in code, if you want, you don’t have to use the Timer node Godot provides. Here’s an alternative way.
A simple timer:

var timer = 0
func _process(delta):
    timer += delta

When timer reached certain time, you can simply add an if statement. Or using signal for better control:

var timer = 0
var wait_time = 1
signal timeout
func _on_timeout():
    #Your code
func _process(delta):
    timer += delta
    if timer > wait_time:
        timer = 0

For more control, create more variables like disabled (Like when the timer hasn’t started) and code (Anything you want)

Why the way adding delta on timer works:
delta means the time passed since the last call of _process().
So each time _process() is being called, the timer will be updated.

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: Bot7

onready var name = $“Timer”

func _ready():

func _on_Timer_timeout():

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: Neyronixer

You can try using yield(get_tree().create_timer(2), “timeout”)