How do I fix my code for making the attacks appear at random positions?

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Geox2

I used this code:
extends Area2D

var rand =

onready var attacksprite = get_node(“Attack1”)

onready var timer = $AttackTimer

func _ready():


func _process(_delta: float) → void:
var frames = preload(“res://assets/Attackanimation.tres”)

func _on_AttackTimer_timeout():

for making my attacks appear, but it’s not working. Can you please help me?

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: exuin

Next time you ask a question, it would be helpful to post what specific errors you’re getting.

So I see a bunch of errors here:


Area2D does not have the method get_sprite_frames() - it’s for AnimatedSprite and takes no arguments since it’s an accessor method. If attacksprite is the AnimatedSprite you need


Also, if attacksprite is the first child of the Area2D, there is no need to have get_child(0) when you already have a variable that points to that node. Also, set_frames() isn’t a method. You’re probably looking for set_sprite_frames(), but you can just set the frames property directly since there are no private properties in GDScript. It doesn’t take an int as an argument but rather a SpriteFrames resource, which I’m guessing is the frames variable.

I suggest that you read some more tutorials on GDScript so you understand how methods and variables work.