Multi-Layered sprites vs many textures vs spritesheet

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By tripod


tldr; is there documentation about how the engine renders the sprites with textures?

I’m working on a hexagonal tile based puzzle game. each tile can have N different backgrounds and each side can have M different states. the states don’t need to animate quickly. they only change if the user changes them.
I wonder what is the most efficient way to render the tiles, even when having many 10k tiles. I considered the following approaches:

a) each tile node has a 1 base sprite and 6 sprites for each edge. I can change the texture for each of them.
b) I create all NxM textures either during startup or during import. assume I there are 10 background and 10 different edge states, there would be 10x10x6 different textures.

I assume, that b) would render faster. in this case, what is more efficient:
having 600 128x128 images, reloading all textures, or creating several large sprite sheets and set the texture offsets accordingly? what would be the ideal sprite sheet image?

or is using a tilemap with 600 tiles an option?
