How do I Implement a Glow on a 2D UI while Having a Procedural Sky in a 3D Scene?

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Gemini

So I’ve run into a curious conundrum in developing the UI for my game. The game world takes place in a sort of outdoor synthwave environment with a simple procedural sky generated by Godot and some glow effects. I want to extend the glow effects to the UI elements, except… to do that, I have to set the background mode for my WorldEnvironment to Canvas, which in turn gets rid of the procedural sky, yet if I turn the procedural sky back on, the glow effects no longer extend to the 2D UI; it seems I can only have one or the other. :frowning:

So the question simply is: How do I get BOTH to work at the same time?

Also should note I’m using GLES3 and targeting desktop users with mid-to-high end systems.