Input event Screen Touch / Hold ?

:information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform.
:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By morningkingdom

Hi, there.
I wanna hold the touch and while holding it, instance some sprites continuously.
I can handle the instance part, but dont now how the hold part.

i did try few things like

var touch_position

func _input(event):
if not event is Inputeventscreentouch:
if event.pressed:
touch_position = event.position

this is only return the value one time. i need it the update at it every frame so i need the use
func _process function, but how can i reach the touch_position variable from _process function ?

You could probably just update a variable whenever the touch is changes, then in a _process function, do whatever you need to with the current position and touch state

andersmmg | 2021-02-14 00:30

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: Wakatta
var touch_position = Vector2()

func _input(event):
    if not event is InputEventScreenTouch:
    if event.pressed:
        touch_position = event.position
        touch_position = Vector2()

func _process(_delta):
    if touch_position:


func _input(event):
	if not event is InputEventScreenTouch:
	if event.pressed:

func _process(delta):
	if Input.is_action_pressed("hold"):

thank you for anwser but it still not work, i did it like this

extends Node2D

var touch_position = Vector2()

onready var sprite_test = preload("res://sahneler/skill_swipe_h.tscn")

func _input(event):
	if not event is InputEventScreenTouch:
	if event.pressed:
		touch_position = event.position
		touch_position = Vector2()

func _process(delta):
	if touch_position:
		print (touch_position)
		var sprite_instance = sprite_test.instance()
		sprite_instance.position = touch_position

when i hold the press of screen touch, and swipe the finger, i need the new position of the touch in every frame, because of that we did use _process funtion, but it still only return the first coordinats of th touch value. i need it update at every frame. so that it will looks like a drawing a gesture.

i need continuously update of touch_position value. so sprite can got instance as long as there is a hold.

morningkingdom | 2021-02-14 09:36

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: morningkingdom

Solve it. Well there are other problems pup-up but, lets face them an another day :smiley:

this is the script:
its on the draw(Node2d) node:

extends Node2D
var touch_position = Vector2()
var current_touch = Vector2()

var sprite_instance

onready var sprite_test = preload("res://sahneler/skill_swipe_h.tscn")

func _input(event):

	if event is InputEventScreenTouch and event.is_pressed():
		touch_position = event.get_position()

	if event is InputEventScreenDrag:
		current_touch = event.get_position()
	if event is InputEventScreenDrag and not event.is_pressed():
		current_touch = null

func _process(delta):
	if current_touch:
		print (current_touch)
		sprite_instance = sprite_test.instance()
		sprite_instance.position = current_touch 

this is for delete the intanced sprites with timer:

extends Sprite

func _on_gesture_delete_t_h_timeout():

and this is output: