I tried to output a signal to change the health animation in another scene

:information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform.
:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By BuddyGames

The context for this can be seen in the related question.
This is in the Slime enemy scene. At the top of the script I put

signal Slime_attacked(damage)

This is in the _physics_process(delta: float) func of the Slime scene.

if $AttackRaycast1.is_colliding() or $AttackRaycast2.is_colliding():
	emit_signal("Slime_attacked", damage)

This is in the script for the root node of the level scene where the player, hearts and enemy instances are:

var health: int = 6
   func _ready():

And this is the signal func here:

func _on_Slime_attacked():
	health= health -1
	if health == 6:

I really have no experience with this side of Godot so some extra help to finish this would be amazing :slight_smile:

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: zen3001

you don’t even need signal for something like this.
use the get_collider() function which returns the node the raycast is colliding with or null if it doesn’t collide with anything, save the collider in a variable and check wether the collider is the player, if it is you can just directly run any function from the variable. in this case:

var collider = $AttackRaycast1.get_collider()
if collider != null and collider.name == "Player":

you create seperate animations for different health states, and change them in the hurt function depending on how much health you have after the attack.

func _on_Slime_attacked():
  health= health -1

  if health <= 2:
  elif health <= 4:

So, I tried

 var collider = $AttackRaycast1.get_collider()
if collider.name == "Player":

But whenever the player enters the raycast now, the game crashes and the debugger says: Invalid get index ‘name’ (on base: ‘null isntance’). Any further tips?

BuddyGames | 2021-01-31 16:58

ah sorry for the bad code… use this if statement instead:

if collider != null and collider.name == "Player":

zen3001 | 2021-02-01 13:31