Why are collisions strangely imprecise?

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By doinsdf

First Picture
Second Picture

In the pictures above, you can see what my problem is. Normally, when working with Godot, the collisions are very precise and clean cut. But oddly, in this project, they’re sloppy, and the player (a Rigidbody2D) is never quite colliding correctly with other nodes.

Sometimes, it will get caught on imaginary collisions that don’t exist, and sometimes, it will fall into crevices that aren’t supposed to be there.

I was sure to turn on visible collision shapes to show that the node it’s colliding with is simply supposed to be a circle collision. And yet, it doesn’t collide that way.

Is the rigidbody scaled to 1,1?

Magso | 2021-01-24 02:16

Yes, the rigidbody is scaled 1,1, as with the collision shapes and all other children.

doinsdf | 2021-01-24 02:21