How to make "Fraction Simplification" ?

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Konrad

How to make “Fraction Simplification” ? Like

9/18 return 1/2
14/21 return 2/3

I did not find such a function in the documentation

We don’t know what you want. Do you want fractions to reduce to their smallest denominator? Do you want to maintain the fraction in the code? A division operation always returns a number in the form of an integer or a floating point number.

Ertain | 2021-01-03 19:43

How i can find “Greatest common factor” of 2 numbers?

Konrad | 2021-01-03 19:44

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: AlexTheRegent

When you divide int by int, you will get int as result (fraction part will be discarded). To get float in result, you must make one of the numbers float. This can be done in two ways:

  1. If you have number, you can add .0 to one of the values: 9.0 / 18 will give you 0.5
  2. If your number is variable, then you have to use explicit type conversion: float(n) / 18 will give you 0.5 for n = 9.

To find greatest common factor you can use next function:

func gcd(a: int, b: int) -> int:
    return a if b == 0.0 else gcd(b, a % b)
:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: devmark

You can use the multiplication method

In this video they also explain in medoto GCD

print(simplify_by_multiplication(14, 21))

func simplify_by_multiplication(numerator, denominator) -> Array:
	var simplify_values := [numerator, denominator]
	for i in range(1, numerator+1):
		for j in range( 1, denominator+1 ):
			print( 'i:', i, ' x j:', j, ' = ', i * j)
			if(( i * denominator ) == (j * numerator)):
				simplify_values = [i, j]
				return simplify_values
	return simplify_values