Enemy disappears between Scenes (2)

:information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform.
:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Rayu

I don’t know what my problem here is. No issues in playing the Game but somehow this doens’t work.
I have a Scene change event, whenever it happends the Enemies on the Screen should disappear. I tried but failed.

Enemy2 Script: (because if Player1 is pressed 2,3,4 should disappear)

signal level_complete1

func _ready() -> void:
    $Enemy2sprite.connect("Player1_pressed", self, "_on_Player1_pressed")

I’ve connected the Player1_pressed signal in this Script again, it is also connected in a different function in the main script. Can you use this signal in more than 1 func? it should be right?

func hide_for_time(t):
    visible = false
    yield(get_tree().create_timer(t), "timeout")
    visible = true

func _on_Player1_pressed():
then the signal goes to the Main Script: (right?)

var Enemy2lvl = preload("res://Enemy/Enemy2.tscn")

func _on_wanted1_pressed():
    Enemy2lvl.connect("level_complete1", self, "_on_level_complete1")

func _on_level_complete1():

but the Enemy2sprite is not in the Main Scene, it’s in the Enemy Scene, but i used a signal shouldn’t it work?
i have also tried this:

func _on_level_complete1():