Compiling for Android get error

:information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform.
:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By kpk-i710

I did everything as on the website
scons platform = android target = release android_arch = armv7
scons platform = android target = release android_arch = arm64v8
scons platform = android target = release_debug android_arch = armv7
scons platform = android target = release_debug android_arch = arm64v8
scons platform = android target = release android_arch = x86
scons platform = android target = release android_arch = x86_64

I don’t know what kind of armeabi-v7a. missing still writing

Missing libraries in the export template for the selected architectures:armeabi-v7a.
Please build a template with all required libraries, or uncheck the missing architectures in the export preset