Can't get out of AnimationPlayer without ERROR: ~List: Condition ' _first != __null ' is true

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Asthalis

Hello Everybody,

I’m currently building a platformer and had no problem so far until I added an intro screen using a AnimationPlayer to get a 25s dynamic intro (moving sprites, playing sounds, modifiying modulate attribute, etc.).

If I let the whole animation play before switching to next screen, I get no error. But if I quit the screen before it’s finished (skip to level 1 or get back to main menu thanks to input tests), I have this message in the console :

ERROR: ~List: Condition ’ _first != __null ’ is true

I have tried many ways to free memory or stop the animation (clear_queue(), queue_free(), etc.) before leaving the intro screen. The game does works this way but I can’t get rid of that error message.

Can you help me ?
