How block only roll Z coordenate of Camera Rotate? I try many things and no sucess

:information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform.
:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By linuxfree
:warning: Old Version Published before Godot 3 was released.

I trying configure my Camera 3D for player but how can block with sucess Z roll?

Do you mean you want to make an FPS camera that only rotates around the Y and X axis?

Zylann | 2016-09-19 00:16

YES cause have distorcion quaternion when set to 0 roll


linuxfree | 2016-09-19 00:43

i try your code but get only movement in X pitch coordenate.

i need change anything there for work for Y yaw?

linuxfree | 2016-09-19 11:33

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: Zylann

What I usually do to setup a camera that only rotates around two axes (X and Y) is to write a script that handles the two rotations and applies them in the right order. So quaternions are not necessarily needed.

Here is the one I wrote:

This script is made for debugging so it also has strafing control, however it works just like any other FPS camera.
The interesting part is how the camera rotates. I get the mouse motion and add X and Y motion to the two angles, then I update the camera’s rotation in a specific order:

    # Add to rotations
    _yaw -= motion.x * sensitivity
    _pitch += motion.y * sensitivity

    # Clamp pitch (prevents looking upside-down)
    var e = 0.001
    if _pitch > max_angle-e:
        _pitch = max_angle-e
    elif _pitch < min_angle+e:
        _pitch = min_angle+e

    # Apply rotations
    set_rotation(Vector3(0, deg2rad(_yaw), 0)) # First, reset the rotation starting by the horizontal rotation
    rotate_x(deg2rad(_pitch)) # Then rotate for the vertical rotation

This way you won’t have issues with the camera rolling.
Note, this is one way of doing it (maybe there are others), I just happen to use it because it works.

OK i find solution

func _input(event):
if event.type == InputEvent.MOUSE_MOTION:
yaw = fmod(yaw - event.relative_x * view_sensitivity, 360)
pitch = max(min(pitch - event.relative_y * view_sensitivity, 45), -45)
get_node(“YawControl”).set_rotation(Vector3(0, deg2rad(yaw), 0)) # here rotate only YAW Spatial node but Camera is a parent then go all
get_node(“YawControl/Camera”).set_rotation(Vector3(deg2rad(pitch), 0, 0))# here rotate Node Camera pitch only

Now you work for walk with ‘W’ ‘S’ ‘A’ ‘D’

thanks for now

linuxfree | 2016-09-19 12:20