LAN chat not working in GDScript

:information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform.
:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By skiscratcher

I am making an LAN multiplayer game and trying to test out the API. I trying looking online, but I can’t tell the issue. The connection doesn’t seem to be opening. Here’s the code:

extends Control
func _on_Host_pressed():
	var peer =
	peer.create_server(3000, 10)
func _on_Join_pressed():
	var peer =
	peer.create_client($IP.text, 3000)
sync func receiveMessage(id, text):
	$Label.text = text
func _on_Send_pressed():
	rpc("recieveMessage", get_tree().get_network_unique_id(), $ToSend.text)

And here’s the tree:
Node tree