How can I change the 3d shadow render distance?

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Me

I’m currently working on a 3d project in godot with a huge map, but the shadows seam to vanish after a certain distance. I disabled fog but that didn’t change anything.
How can I change the 3d shadow render distance?

Thanks in advance!

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: klaas

Hi … Max Distance when you mean directional light

Note that the larger the Max Distance, the less detailed the shadows will be. You need to find a balance.

Protip: if you’re working on an open world game that features flying, you can increase the max distance at run-time if the player is high above the ground (where they’re more likely to see shadows in the distance). This technique has been used in many AAA games such as Just Cause 2.

Calinou | 2020-08-18 13:29