is_on_floor confused with walls?

:information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform.
:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Y_VRN

I’m just a new Godot user (been a few months but probably totaled about a few weeks) and I had a 3D character. It works fine (jumping had problems but not my first priority for now,) until I jump while touching walls. As I do so I would instead fly up real quick instead of jump.

With a bit of diagnosing I saw that is-on-floor would register walls as floors(?), thus returning true apparently. This already bugs me and I don’t know how to fix this. Please help me. Thanks in advance!

Code (sorry, kinda messy):

extends KinematicBody

###### EXPORT

export(NodePath) var CameraObject
export var StepCheckDistance = 1.2
export var StepCheckSensitivity = 0
export var StepCheckStrength = 0.4


enum ANIMATION_TAG { # no animations yet but ok

###### ONREADY

onready var StepChecker = get_node("step_check")
#onready var Collision = get_node("collision")
onready var Collision_Capsule = get_node("collision_capsule")
onready var Animate = get_node("animate")

###### SET

onready var Cam = get_node(CameraObject)



var movementStates = {
	"FRWD" : false,
	"BKWD" : false,
	"LFWD" : false,
	"RTWD" : false,
	"CRCH" : false,
var mS2 = {
	"SPNT" : false,

var jumping = false

var speed = 3
var runSpeed = 11
var xAcc = {acc = 4, deacc = 7}
var dir = Vector3(0, 0, 0)
var velocity = Vector3()
var v_mag = 0
var prevPos = Vector3()
var shiftorcrouch = 0
var accel = 0


# None


func GetShortestAngle(start, end):
	return fmod(2 * fmod(start - end, PI * 2), PI * 2) - fmod(start - end, PI * 2)

func CheckForTrue(Table):
	for i in Table.values():
		if i == true:
			return true
	return false

func _ready():
	Collision_Capsule.shape.set("slips_on_slope", false)

func _physics_process(delta):
	var g_grav = ProjectSettings.get_setting("physics/3d/default_gravity")
	var y_Dir = GetShortestAngle(self.rotation.y, Cam.rotation.y)
	var mltplr = 1
	var motion = speed
	prevPos = translation
	if CheckForTrue(movementStates):
		var clamped = clamp(y_Dir, -3, 3)
		if clamped < 0:
			rotation.y -= (clamped / 6)
		elif clamped > 0:
			rotation.y += (-clamped / 6)	
	if mS2.SPNT == true:
		motion = runSpeed
	elif movementStates.CRCH == true:
		mltplr = 0.5
	velocity = Vector3(lerp(velocity.x, dir.x * motion * mltplr, accel), velocity.y, lerp(velocity.z, dir.z * motion * mltplr, accel))
# warning-ignore:return_value_discarded
	move_and_slide_with_snap(velocity, Vector3.DOWN * Vector3(.1, .1, .1), Vector3.UP, true, 4, 38)
	velocity.y -= g_grav * delta
	################################### From here
	if !is_on_floor():
		accel = 0.07
		jumping = false
		print("On air")
		print("On floor")
		accel = 0.17
		if jumping:
			velocity.y += 12
	###################################  To here
	v_mag = abs(velocity.x + velocity.y + velocity.z)

# warning-ignore:unused_argument
func _process(delta):
	###################### MOVEMENT ######################
	dir = Vector3()
	for key in movementStates.keys():
		movementStates[key] = false
	for key in mS2.keys():
		mS2[key] = false
	if Input.is_action_pressed("player_forward"):
		dir += -global_transform.basis.z
		movementStates.FRWD = true
	if Input.is_action_pressed("player_backward"):
		dir += global_transform.basis.z
		movementStates.BKWD = true
	if Input.is_action_pressed("player_leftward"):
		dir += -global_transform.basis.x
		movementStates.LFWD = true
	if Input.is_action_pressed("player_rightward"):
		dir += global_transform.basis.x
		movementStates.RTWD = true
	if Input.is_action_pressed("player_sprint"):
		mS2.SPNT = true
	if Input.is_action_pressed("player_downward"):
		movementStates.CRCH = true
	if Input.is_action_pressed("player_upward"):
		jumping = true
		print("JUMP STATE")
	dir = dir.normalized()
	################### FUNCTION CALLS ###################

Is what you’re using as floor the same as the wall?

rahsut | 2020-08-17 21:08

I had this same issue, my mistake was that I was passing a higher value to floor_max_angle in move_and_slide. That was the reason that walls were treated as floor.
Passing a lower value fixed it

sanath | 2020-10-03 16:58

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