adb error while installing Android when attempting to run a scene

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By KramchayDig

there were 2 errors I’ve caught while I was trying to play a scene on my selected devices on an Android Samsung Phone

Installing to device (please wait…): Samsung SM-J120H

adb: error: failed to copy
‘C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Temp/Godot/tmpexport.apk’ to
‘/data/local/tmp/tmpexport.apk’: no response: Connection reset by peer

error: device ‘420041d2aa3f6300’ not found

erasing C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Temp/Godot/tmpexport.apk

I’ve already had a clear set of my debug.keystore is there anything I have missed? This error is really tricky…