How to avoid yield statement for Child-State in Statemachine-Script which tries to access Subnode from Parent-Node?

:information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform.
:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By DocoDan

When my StateMachine is ready it enters “Idle” state which is set in the initial_state Variable.
“Idle”-State’s enter() function calls the Animation-Player from the FSM-parent, which is Player, playing the respective Animation.
But this is only possible if the FSM-enter_state() method which calls the enter_state() of the Child-State waits until Player is ready.
Otherwise the Animation-play function causes a Nill-Error.
I think I am missing some basic idea of the construction of a State Machine here.
Why is Parents Animation Player not ready by the time the Child State wants to
access it?
How could I get rid of the yield Statement?

class_name StateMachine

onready var target : Node = get_parent() as Node
export var initial_state : String

func _ready():
        if initial_state != '':

        for state in get_children(): = target
    		_states[] = state 
    	for state in get_children():	
    		state._states = self._states
    	#Is there a way to avoid this? 
	#If I remove it I get nill for play function 
func enter_state() -> void:

#Idle State
extends State
var pl : KinematicBody2D 

func enter():

#Player = parent
extends KinematicBody2
onready var anim = get_node("AnimationPlayer")

func _animation(name : String):