not working within animation function

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By tgryffyn

First, apologies, I’m brand new to Godot. Looks super slick, though. I thought I’d help a friend with his Godot project and think I got things how they’re supposed to work, but I’m vexed by this one issue. I’ll try to explain it as succinctly as possible.

He wants to do a combo attack system. Basically if you press the attack button again, before the first sequence is done, you move to the second sequence in the combo. The basic flow is:
attack button → play anim1 → anim1 finishes without button press, cancel combo
attack button → play anim1 → attack button before anim end → play anim2 → etc

Basing this off of his code, so if things are in the wrong place, it might be his fault :slight_smile: But things SHOULD work.

Here’s the flow:

Inside func _physics_process:
if Input.is_action_just_pressed(“Light_Attack”):“punch_1”)

punch_1 is 28 seconds long. At 25 seconds, function Combo_End() is called (dumb function name, will rename later)

Inside Combo_End(), it checks various things like what combo sequence you’re on, etc.

Everything works correctly except the“punch_2”) INSIDE Combo_End()

I put a print() before and after it, those output just fine. I check playback.is_playing() and it’s true. I had seen something about .travel not working if the state machine wasn’t running or something.

I tried playback.start() instead, I tried re-instantiating playback inside Combo_End() but it seems that playback is global so it should be working. seems to work fine in _physics_process so I could bend over backwards a little and make it all work there, but I wanted to know why didn’t work inside a function.

Thanks in advance!

onready var main_anim_tree = get_node(“Main_Anim_Tree”)
onready var playback = $Main_Anim_Tree.get(“parameters/playback”)