input key using visual scripting... what am I doing wrong?

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By samvila
:warning: Old Version Published before Godot 3 was released.

Hi, I’m trying to get the print node to work while I’m pressing a key but for some reason this doesn’t work. What am I missing? I’m trying to use this with _process instead _input because with _input only allows me to send one pulse and then stops, I want to keep the key pressed so that I get a result on each pulse and that’s why I’m using _process but then looks like I’m missing the connection with the socket ‘inpt’

I’m using a nightly build to get access to the latest versions for the visual scripting mode.

enter image description here

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: Hinsbart

I think the InputFilter node is meant for the _input() function as it takes an InputEvent as parameter, which you can’t provide in _process.
To achieve this inside _process(), make a call to Input.is_key_pressed(int scancode) instead.

Eso es justo lo que buscaba, funciona perfectamente, muchisimas gracias :slight_smile:

samvila | 2016-09-01 21:51