My moving platform won't move in a path at runtime, but it looks fine in the editor

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By owlisGODOT

I’ve been working on a moving platform in Godot, and so far I don’t know how to fix this bug.
I’ve made the platform move on a Path2D. It uses a PathFollow2D with a child of RemoteTransfer2D to move it. The remote path is connected to the MovingPlatform’s KinematicBody2D (syncs with physics). Using an AnimationPlayer (process mode physics), the platform will move along this path by continuously updating its unit_offset. (had to be pretty specific here)
Although it looks fine in the editor, the problem comes when running the program.
Instead of moving the platform, the platform just stays in place and doesn’t move. I’ve tried changing the method_call_mode to Immediate, update speed, etc., but nothing seems to work. I want to know how I can fix this.