Possible to get C# documentation for GD classes/methods in VSCode?

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By godot_bugmenot

I have installed extensions like: godot-tools, C# Tools for Godot. VS Code, of course, shows documentation for methods in BCL like so:
enter image description here

And it shows such documentation for Godot methods when it is a Godot script, like so:
enter image description here

However, if I create a C# script, it does not show such documentation but only the method signature, like so:
enter image description here

Is there anyway to get the documentation in C# scripts? That is, I want to see the same “Converts one or more arguments…” when I type GD.Print( in a C# script.

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: juppi

There is no Definition for GD.Print(). Some others have.

Maybe the developers of Godot had no time or forgot to implement the definition.

enter image description here
enter image description here