i have an error "cannot convert nil to int" after some tries

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By DaletWolff

i was messing around with open simplex noise and i had functional code but when i restart the project (after 4 or 5 attempts) it says “invalid type in function “set_cell” in base “tilemap”. cannor convert argument 3 from nil to int”

extends Node2D

var mapsize = Vector2()
const minsize = 100
const maxsize = 250
var currentseed
var generator = RandomNumberGenerator.new()
var terrain = {
	"water" : 0,
	"sand" : 1,
	"dirt" : 2,
	"grass" : 3,
	"mountain" : 4,
	"snow" : 5,
	"deepwater" : 6
var noise

func RNG():
	currentseed = generator.get_seed()

func mapsizegen():
	mapsize.x = generator.randi_range(minsize, maxsize)
	mapsize.y = generator.randi_range(minsize, maxsize)

func deepwatergen():
	for a in mapsize.x + 20:
		for b in mapsize.y + 20:
			$tilemap.set_cell(a + 20, b + 20, terrain.deepwater)

func watergen():
	for c in mapsize.x + 10:
		for d in mapsize.y + 10:
			$tilemap.set_cell(c + 25, d + 25, terrain.water)

func sandgen():
	for e in mapsize.x + 4:
		for f in mapsize.y + 4:
			$tilemap.set_cell(e + 28, f + 28, terrain.sand)

func mapgen():
	for g in mapsize.x:
		for h in mapsize.y:
			$tilemap.set_cell(g + 30, h + 30,
			_get_tile_index(noise.get_noise_2d(float(g), float(h))))

func _get_tile_index(noise_sample):
	if noise_sample < -0.4:
		return terrain.water
	if noise_sample < -0.2:
		return terrain.sand
	if noise_sample < -0.1:
		return terrain.dirt
	if noise_sample < 0.4:
		return terrain.grass
	if noise_sample < 0.6:
		return terrain.mountain
	if noise_sample < 0.8:
		return terrain.snow

func _ready():
	noise = OpenSimplexNoise.new()
	noise.seed = currentseed
	noise.octaves = 2
	noise.period = 10
	noise.lacunarity = 1
	noise.persistence = 0.75

it shows the error at:

$tilemap.set_cell(g + 30, h + 30,
			_get_tile_index(noise.get_noise_2d(float(g), float(h))))

i used set_cellv too but is the same

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: whiteshampoo

Your function


can end without a return. (if noise_sample > 0.8)

You could return a default value if it reaches the end of the function.

If you define your function/method like this:

func _get_tile_index(noise_sample : float) -> int:

the editor assumes, that you have to return something (an integer int this case), and will warn you, if nothing could be returned.

(Static Typing)

thank you very much for your answer

DaletWolff | 2020-05-27 16:18