Change sprite animation based off moue location

:information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform.
:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Leightonne


I am attempting to update my sprite animation based on the mouse direction

My player script is as follows:

extends KinematicBody2D

const IdleSpeed = 10

export (int) var speed = 200
var velocity = Vector2()
var RayNode
var PlayerAnim
var anim = ""
var animnew = ""

func _ready():
	RayNode = get_node("SpriteRotationRC")
	PlayerAnim = get_node("PlayerAnim")

func _physics_process(_delta):
	var look_vec = get_global_mouse_position()
	RayNode = look_at(look_vec)

	velocity = move_and_slide(velocity)
	if (velocity.length() > IdleSpeed*0.09):
		if (RayNode.get_rotation() == 180):
			anim = "Walk_U"
		if (RayNode.get_rotation() == 0):
			anim = "Walk_D"
		if (RayNode.get_rotation() == 270):
			anim = "Walk_L"
		if (RayNode.get_rotation() == 90):
			anim = "Walk_R"
		if (RayNode.get_rotation() == 180):
			anim = "Idle_U"
		if (RayNode.get_rotation() == 0):
			anim = "Idle_D"
		if (RayNode.get_rotation() == 270):
			anim = "Idle_L"
		if (RayNode.get_rotation() == 90):
			anim = "Idle_R"
	if anim != animnew:
		animnew = anim

func get_input():
	velocity = Vector2()
	if Input.is_action_pressed("PlayerRight"):
		velocity.x += 1
	if Input.is_action_pressed("PlayerLeft"):
		velocity.x -= 1
	if Input.is_action_pressed("PlayerDown"):
		velocity.y += 1
	if Input.is_action_pressed("PlayerUp"):
		velocity.y -= 1
	velocity = velocity.normalized() * speed

The raycast2d is attached to a RemoteTransform2D and does appear to rotate to the mouse when I attach a sprite as a child to it however I don’t see any animations changing (although the walking animation does work just not including the directions)

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: Leightonne

I gave up on this method and went with the following solution.

extends KinematicBody2D

const IdleSpeed = 10

export (int) var speed = 200
var velocity = Vector2()

var PlayerAnim
var anim = ""
var animnew = ""

var MousePosition
var RotationAngle

func _ready():
	PlayerAnim = get_node("PlayerAnim")

func _physics_process(_delta):
	velocity = move_and_slide(velocity)
	MousePosition = get_global_mouse_position()
	RotationAngle = get_angle_to(MousePosition)
	if (velocity.length() > IdleSpeed*0.09):
		if RotationAngle >= -2 and RotationAngle <= -1:
			anim = "Walk_U"
		if RotationAngle >= -1 and RotationAngle <= -0.25:
			anim = "Walk_UR"
		if RotationAngle >= -0.25 and RotationAngle <= 0.25:
			anim = "Walk_R"
		if RotationAngle >= 0.25 and RotationAngle <= 1:
			anim = "Walk_DR"
		if RotationAngle >= 1 and RotationAngle <= 2:
			anim = "Walk_D"
		if RotationAngle >= 2 and RotationAngle <= 2.9:
			anim = "Walk_DL"
		if RotationAngle >= 2.9 or RotationAngle <= -2.9:
			anim = "Walk_L"
		if RotationAngle >= -2.9 and RotationAngle <= -2:
			anim = "Walk_UL"
		if RotationAngle >= -2 and RotationAngle <= -1:
			anim = "Idle_U"
		if RotationAngle >= -1 and RotationAngle <= -0.25:
			anim = "Idle_UR"
		if RotationAngle >= -0.25 and RotationAngle <= 0.25:
			anim = "Idle_R"
		if RotationAngle >= 0.25 and RotationAngle <= 1:
			anim = "Idle_DR"
		if RotationAngle >= 1 and RotationAngle <= 2:
			anim = "Idle_D"
		if RotationAngle >= 2 and RotationAngle <= 2.9:
			anim = "Idle_DL"
		if RotationAngle >= 2.9 or RotationAngle <= -2.9:
			anim = "Idle_L"
		if RotationAngle >= -2.9 and RotationAngle <= -2:
			anim = "Idle_UL"
	if anim != animnew:
		animnew = anim

func get_input():
	velocity = Vector2()
	if Input.is_action_pressed("PlayerRight"):
		velocity.x += 1
	if Input.is_action_pressed("PlayerLeft"):
		velocity.x -= 1
	if Input.is_action_pressed("PlayerDown"):
		velocity.y += 1
	if Input.is_action_pressed("PlayerUp"):
		velocity.y -= 1
	velocity = velocity.normalized() * speed