Is there a way to convert animatedSprite for animation Tree use

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By lon

so since I have more and more animations created in animatedSprite node, if I want use an animation node state machine in animationTree that become a problem. because animation tree only use animationplayer. while I can’t make my materials into animationPlayer since all frames are in one sprite sheet or is there a way to make a animation player from a whole sprite sheet, or Is there a way to convert animatedSprite for animation Tree use.

i have the same problem, i already tried with an animationplayer
but it always changes the y level of the sprite

theMX89 | 2022-04-02 13:39

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: davidoc

I recommend you to switch from animatedSprite to Sprite, and use an AnimationPlayer to animate your sprite. You can see a setup here and how to use advance conditions here