i got a simmilar problem to my last one

:information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform.
:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By i.want.to.die

i got a problem that does not seem to affect anything but it is anoying
my enemy is on the celling and shoots acid that on the code i refferd as goo
the ‘goo’ is attechded to a kinematicbody2D that olny moves down
the kinematicbody2D

here is the error message

E 0:00:39.387   area_set_shape_disabled: Can't change this state while flushing             
queries. Use call_deferred() or set_deferred() to change monitoring state instead.
  <C++ Error>   Condition "area->get_space() && flushing_queries" is true.
  <C++ Source>  servers/physics_2d/physics_2d_server_sw.cpp:409 @ 
  <Stack Trace> goo_spawner.gd:7 @ throw_goo()
            upside_inimigo.gd:71 @ _on_Area2D_body_entered()

here is the kinematicbody code

extends KinematicBody2D

var motion = Vector2()
var Floor = Vector2(0,1)

func _process(delta):
motion.y += 7
move_and_slide(motion, Floor)
if get_node("Node2D").destroyed == true:

and here is the ‘goo’ code , it is a area2D

extends Area2D

var damage = 25
var destroyed = false

func _ready():

func _on_Node2D_body_entered(body):
destroyed = true
if body.is_in_group('players'):

here is enemy’s ‘goo’ spawner

extends Node2D

var goo = preload("res://goo.tscn")

func throw_goo():
var new_goo = goo.instance()

i really dont know how to fix it ,it probaly is something really stupid