Can't set PhysicalBone joint constraints by script. Am I missing something?

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By 19PHOBOSS98

Hi, I imported a simple physics rope from blender. physics seems to work fine but i wanted to set the bones with joint constraints. I got them to act like cone joints by script but things stopped making sense when I tried setting their swing and twist limits. As you can see from the readout bellow you can see each bone changing from their default value to zero just as I coded it but the end result seem to not agree. It works fine if I manually set each bone with the joint constraints but I don’t think no one in their right mind wants to do that 100 times.

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: Favkis

still doesnt work fix here

Favkis | 2020-12-20 19:55