Is there a area_entered() signal for the KinematicBody2D like for an Area2D?

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By lilithtb

Is there a area_entered() signal for the KinematicBody2D like for an Area2D? How would I detect if a collision shape in a KinematicBody2D node has entered another body?

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: Star Frog

No, there probably isn’t. I’m sorry. Still, you could just solve the problem. Create the following node tree: KinematicBody> Area> MeshInstance and CollisionShape. Well, I hope I could help you out. A nice week!

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: kidscancode

You don’t need to add another area and collision.

A kinematic body only collides when you move it. When you do, you can then get collision information either with the returned value of move_and_collide() or by using get_slide_collision() if you’re using move_and_slide().

For more information, read the kinematic body tutorial.