animation not playing

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By

so i have this code:

func on_hit(damage):
current_hp -= damage
if current_hp <= 0:
func ply_dead():
is_dead = true
motion.x = 0


func _on_Area2D_body_entered(body):

it only hits the plyer becouse of collision masks

the animation ‘dano’ does not play when the ply_dead function is atcivated on the enemy’s code

how can i fix this?

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: jluini

I think you are playing “dano” and immediately playing “dead” in $Sprite, so you actually never see the “dano” animation.
You could start a timer or wait until the “animation_finished” signal is emitted by the animator, and only then run the “dead” animation on the object.