Can't create var dist = stick_pos.distanse_to(event.position)

:information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform.
:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By GoodCrafting

I made everything exactly like in the video(, but new Godot every time sends me an error:
Invalid call. Nonexistent function “distance_to” in base Vector2
rec:// - 25
What did I make wrong?
I need the answer as soon as it possible

extends Sprite

const RADIUS = 75
const SMALL_RADIUS = 35

var stick_pos
var evt_index = -1

func _input(event):
	if event is InputEventScreenTouch:
		if event.is_pressed():			
			position = event.position
			stick_pos = position
			$small.position = Vector2()
			if stick_pos.distance_to(event.position) < RADIUS:
				evt_index = event.index
		elif evt_index != -1:
			if evt_index == event.index:
				evt_index = -1
				$"../".stick_speed = 0
				$"../".stick_vector = Vector2()
				$"../".stick_angle = 0

	if evt_index != -1 && event is InputEventScreenDrag:
		var dist = stick_pos.distanse_to(event.position)#here is the problem
		var vect = (event.position - stick_pos).normalized()

		$"../".stick_speed = dist
		$"../".stick_vector = vect
		$"../".stick_angle = event.position.angle_to_point(stick_pos)

		$small.position = vect

Why does my joystick work, but DOESN’T MOVE?

GoodCrafting | 2020-04-12 08:48

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: Zylann

You made a typo:

    var dist = stick_pos.distanse_to(event.position)#here is the problem

It’s distance_to, not distanse_to