How to load resources properly in HTML5?

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By rapinchie

I tried using GitHub Pages in order to host my game online, but I’m running into some problems. Everything loads and works properly except for my resources (sprites, fonts, sounds, etc.). Can anyone help?

Do exports for other platforms (such as desktop) look correct?

Are you trying to load files which are located outside the PCK file?

Also, try switching to the GLES2 renderer if you haven’t done so already. GLES3 (which maps to WebGL 2.0) is notoriously buggy in Web browsers due to poor implementations.

Calinou | 2020-03-24 09:06

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: max24

loading resources properly in HTML5 is easy just follow given steps

Loading resources properly in HTML5 involves several techniques and best practices to ensure efficient and optimized performance of web pages. Here are some guidelines for loading various resources in HTML5:

Loading CSS (Cascading Style Sheets):
To load CSS files properly, use the following code in the head section of your HTML document:
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Make sure to link the CSS file using the link tag and specify the rel attribute as "stylesheet" and the href attribute with the path to your CSS file.

Loading JavaScript:
To load JavaScript files properly, use the following code before the closing tag of your HTML document:
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Include your JavaScript file using the script tag and specify the src attribute with the path to your JavaScript file.

Loading Images:
To load images properly, use the following code with the img tag in your HTML document:
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An example image
Specify the src attribute with the path to your image file and provide a meaningful alt attribute for accessibility.

Loading Fonts:
To load custom fonts properly, use the @font-face rule in your CSS file as follows:
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@font-face {
font-family: ‘CustomFont’;
src: url(‘customfont.ttf’) format(‘truetype’);
Then, use the font-family property in your CSS rules to apply the custom font to specific elements.

Loading External Libraries:
To load external libraries, use the following code in the head section of your HTML document:
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Include the external library using the script tag and specify the src attribute with the path to the library file.

Asynchronous and Deferred Loading:
For performance optimization, you can use the async and defer attributes in the script tag to load JavaScript files asynchronously or deferred, respectively. For example:
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The async attribute loads the script asynchronously while the page continues to load, and the defer attribute loads the script after the HTML content is loaded.

By following these best practices, you can ensure that resources are loaded properly in HTML5, leading to improved performance and user experience on your web pages.

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