Adding a TextureRect multiple times as a child

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By 1izNoob

I want to do the following:

I have a control node and I want to create an HBoxContainer and multiple (identical) TextureRects inside of the HBoxContainer.

The code I have for that is this:

func _ready():
	var ITEM =
    ITEM.texture = load("res://item.png")

    var row1 =
    for i in 5:


This almost works, the problem is that Godot only attaches one child, not 5. Can someone help?

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: njamster

You’re trying to attach the same instance multiple times. Do this instead:

func _ready():
	var row1 =

	for i in 5:
		var ITEM =
		ITEM.texture = load("res://icon.png")


ah thank you!

Just so that I understand: Once the instance is created I can only attach this one as a child once?

1izNoob | 2020-03-21 13:01

Correct. An instance is a unique realization of a scene. Much like one person cannot be in two different places at the same time. Even though it might look like that when you meet identical twins. :wink:

njamster | 2020-03-21 13:24